Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Industry Assembly to recognize the good manufacturing practices.



TOBB Turkish Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Industry Assembly, gathering at TOBB’s building in Istanbul under Ahmet Pura’s Chairmanship, discussed the notification of chemicals to inventory and recent status of updated sectoral report. ​

​During the meeting in which the importance of members being active and acting in unison in order to ensure assembly to work effectively and efficiently, information was provided about both the studies done relating asessment of products contaning anti – bacterial claims within the scope of Biocidal Products Directive and current situation. As Turkish Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Industry Assembly, it is decided to brief Ministry of Health, Head Department of Environmental Health about studies done in order to accelerate the process. During the meeting, information was provided to assembly members, concerning “Training Meeting to support the claims” which is planned to be held in order to inform sector about advertises, to resolve the burdens faced, darkness and questions, to provide view sharing between advertisers and Council of Advertising which supervises the advertises.  Representatives of sector highlighted that support of TOBB related to this issue is highly important.-Presentation was made concerning “Council of Advertising” Structure, duties and work method of Directorate of Advertising Council under Ministry of Industry and Commerce, responsibility concept in advertises and administrative sanctions have been shared with assembly members as well as presentation on statistics belonging to the year of 2010. Ahmet Pura, Chairman of the assembly stated that they, as sector assembly are ready to develop sector through foreign relations with council and institutions under the support of TOBB, and to make assignments to be made for extending the vision.  -“Training Meeting to support the claims” is planned to be held in late April. Participating to TOBB Turkish Cosmetics and Cleaning Agents Industry Assembly meeting, Deniz Cengiz Özay, Branch Manager of Medication and Pharmacy Directorate General under Ministry of Health briefed assembly members about the training planned to be done in order to introduce good manufacturing practices (GMP) to cosmetics sector. It was decided to establish a view regarding “The Directive concerning making changes on Label, Tariff and Price Lists Directive” as being Turkish Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Industry Assembly.

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