Adana Chamber of Industry Arbitration and Mediation Center opened


04.01.2022 Adana

Adana Chamber of Industry Arbitration and Mediation Center was opened with a ceremony attended by M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and Cemil Çiçek, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TOBB UYUM Mediation and Dispute Resolution Center.

Speaking at the opening, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the tradition of mediation goes back a long way, “Due to the excessive file load, the slow functioning of the judicial system has always been the subject of complaints. The average case lasts 2 years in first-degree court. Then it continues in second-degree court for another two years. At this point, alternative solutions have to come into play. In fact, we as a nation are no strangers to this issue. Centuries ago, our ancestors began to implement this.”

Stating that the Akhi tradition formed the basis of mediation, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “In the Akhi tradition, which formed the basis of our chamber, commodity exchange and community, the akhis would solve the trade disputes. What does it say in our culture: facilitate, don't exacerbate. Then we forgot about it, Europe took it from us and improved it. During Mr. Cemil Çiçek's ministry, the foundations of mediation had began being laid. After TOBB and our chambers took on this job, mediation was made mandatory in labor-employer disputes, commercial disputes and consumer disputes. The use of this system has increased day by day. The number of files coming in here is close to 2.5 million. 70% of them ended up with a deal. The trials that used to last for years ended in days and weeks, so access to justice has accelerated. It's also a win-win method. Because people have been spared the loss of time and the long process that has worn them out financially, and our judicial system has been spared an important workload.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the mediation center was implemented in 55 chambers throughout Turkey. “‎390 mediators have also started to work in these centers.‎ I invite the mediators to take part in our centers. Once such infrastructure was provided, these centers increasingly led our business world to mediation. Currently, the number of applications to mediation across the country has reached 100,000 per month. So the step we took was a success. Information about this issue increased in society and people began to see the benefits of it. For example, a 2-year inheritance case involving 28 different people in Seydişehir was solved in 4 hours in mediation. Any arrangement that will facilitate our trade, strengthen our economy and judicial system, and contribute to our social peace is important and valuable to us.”

Noting that the legal system is the main pillar of the state and the economy, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “If the law is strong, people's trust in each other, institutions and the system increases. If a sense of justice and trust is strong in a country, the economy of that country is also strong. In our culture and faith, the place of law is very important. Because we want a Turkey where right makes might, not might makes right. We are a nation that believes that justice is at the heart of property. That's why we need to keep the balance of justice. We must work to make the right strong.”

Cemil Çiçek, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TOBB UYUM Mediation and Dispute Resolution Center, spoke about the importance of the project.

Zeki Kıvanç, President of Adana Chamber of Industry, said, “One of the issues that our business world always complains about is the slow functioning of the judicial system due to excessive file load. Our employers know that very well. If you've been sued by your employee, you have almost no chance of winning the trial. In this context, we, as Adana Chamber of Industry, start mediation activities in cooperation with TOBB UYUM as Adana Chamber of Industry Arbitration and Mediation Center in our region. I hope that it will be good for our city and that our members and business people will continue their business activities without any conflict.”

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