Public Announcement


14.01.2022 ANKARA

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) has always taken an active role in paving the way for Turkey's trade relations, developing them and supporting Turkey's lobbying activities abroad. In this context, international events have been held and will continue to be held in many countries of the world, especially the European Union, USA. With the positive opinion of relevant Ministries, these activities are organized and cooperation is also carried out with organizations with high lobbying power and the possibility of influencing public opinion abroad.

A number of programs have also been held between TOBB and the German Marshall Fund (GMF). In these programs, which are held publicly in Brussels, Paris, Berlin, Washington, Turkey's economic potential and our country's thesis are explained to the circles of governments, business and think tanks in the United States and Europe. Officials and public officials from public institutions and organizations from Turkey also took part in the programs and had the opportunity to convey the views of our country to all these circles.

At a time when anti-Turkey lobbies are taking action against our country and information pollution is increasing, we are in a period where our activities in the international arena should increase in order to protect the rights and interests of our country and to prevent the negative public perception that is being created.

However, while the situation facing our country abroad in recent years is obvious, we are astonished and saddened by the irrational accusations and smear efforts with the idea of “mud-slinging” to TOBB's lobbying activities abroad with the German Marshall Fund (GMF) in favor of our country.


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