Industry leaders announced


24.05.2022 ANKARA

The leaders of the industry were announced at the program held with the participation of the Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank and the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu. Hisarcıklıoğlu, drawing attention to the momentum Turkey has achieved in the industry especially in the last 20 years and the level it has reached, said that as TOBB, they want to guide investors and support them to use their resources in the most efficient way.

The Program compiled from the data recorded in the TOBB Industry Database, which includes the machine park, production, raw material and contact information of 90,000 manufacturers, which is formed by the combination of industrial capacity reports prepared by the Chambers affiliated to TOBB and approved by TOBB, was created according to the production capacity for approximately 4,000 different products. Within the scope of the Industry Leaders Program, the first, second and third provinces on a sectoral basis and the production capacity change rates on a sectoral basis compared to the previous year were determined.

- “Our goal is to maintain the achieved momentum”

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his speech at the Introduction Meeting of the Leaders of Industry Program held at TOBB Twin Towers, pointed out that Minister Varank is always on the side of the private sector and industry, and said that they feel their support in many projects and studies, especially TOGG.

Stating that the momentum Turkey has achieved in the industry especially in the last 20 years and the level it has reached are evident, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that it ranks first in the world and Europe in many sectors and is among the main suppliers of Europe.

Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that they continued to exhibit a successful performance in production and exports this year, and said that their aim is to continue the momentum achieved.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they want to guide investors and support them to use their resources in the most efficient way and said:

“That's why we launched the Industry Leaders Program. This program was prepared on the basis of industry capacity reports data. With our industrial capacity reports, we record the machine parks, employment information, production and consumption of our industrialists.”

- “It will shed light on the correct decision of investment decisions”

According to this information, the production capacities of industrial facilities are calculated on the basis of each province, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, adding that these data can be accessed from the sanayi.tobb.org.tr.

Hisarcıklıoğlu, emphasizing that the industrial database and the Leaders of Industry Program will shed light on the correct taking of new investment decisions, went on:

“We expect our investors to use the information here as an important reference source so that they can make investment decisions that will yield more beneficial results for both themselves and our country. Another important feature of the Industry Leaders Program is that it enables our provinces to see their own situation on a geographical basis. They will find out in which sector they stand out and in which sector they enable the formation of clusters. Accordingly, they will reveal in which sectors they are more advantageous in terms of attracting investments.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the production capacity increased in 2,463 out of 4,000 products, that is, 62 percent, compared to 2020 last year, and said, “The sectors with the highest number of products with increased production capacity were Nace 28, machinery and equipment manufacturing sector, Nace 20, chemical products manufacturing sector, Nace 10 food products manufacturing sector.”

- Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank

Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank said, “In the “Leaders of Industry” conducted on the basis of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Industry Database data, the production capacities of more than 90,000 manufacturers for 4,000 different products were examined. By comparing the 2020 and 2021 data, the products and sectors with increased production capacity were determined.”

Minister Varank, in his speech at the Introduction Meeting of the Leaders of Industry Program held at TOBB Twin Towers, emphasized that great progress has been made in industry and technology in the last 20 years in Turkey.

Stating that this progress has been achieved through public-private sector cooperation, Varank stated that they have prepared Turkey for today with investments made in infrastructure, superstructure, technology and people during the AK Party governments.

Varank shared the following information about the Leaders of Industry study, the results of which were shared today:

“In this study, which was conducted on the basis of TOBB Industry Database data, the production capacities of more than 90,000 manufacturers for 4,000 different products were examined. By comparing the 2020 and 2021 data, the products and sectors with increased production capacity were determined. Subsequently, the production capacities of the provinces were determined and compared. We have seen from the tables that there have been huge production capacity increases in all sub-sectors of our manufacturing industry. This picture, which excites us all, is a confirmation of the records that our industry broke in production and exports in 2021.”

- “Our aim is to provide a qualified business and investment environment”

Speaking about the data on the production performance of the provinces, Varank said:

“İstanbul has become one of the top 3 cities with its production capacity in each of the 1809 products. We see that the mega city is the first in many sectors, especially in textile, ready-to-wear, leather, chemical, plastic, computer. İstanbul is followed by İzmir with 1028 products and Kocaeli with 772 products. Afterwards, a ranking that went to Ankara, Bursa and Konya emerged. We see that İzmir ranks first in the food, tobacco and refined petroleum sectors, while Kocaeli ranks first in the production of base metal industry and motor vehicles.”

Varank congratulated the industrialists for the recorded production capacity increases.

Stating that they consider TOBB as one of the important stakeholders as the Ministry, Varank said, “Our only goal is to provide a more qualified business and investment environment to our industrialists and the business world and to further increase these achievements. As long as you focus on your business and produce, provide employment and export. At this point, we are at your service with all our possibilities. Just as we have been with you until today, we will walk with you in the coming period.”

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