Hisarcıklıoğlu held consultation with Çaycuma CCI members


04.06.2022 Çaycuma / Zonguldak

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the Çaycuma Chamber of Commerce and Industry Consultation Meeting and the Opening Ceremony of the Mediation and Arbitration Center.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his speech here, said that it was his eighth time coming to Çaycuma and that they always came for good deeds every time he came.

Emphasizing that Çaycuma is one of the most developed districts of Zonguldak, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Çaycuma is becoming an important investment center with its developing industry. There is an airport, there is an OIZ. Infrastructure works continue in Çaycuma Sera OIZ. You have 2 companies in the list of the largest industrial companies. Filyos Valley is right next to you. There is Filyos Port, Filyos Industrial Zone and Free Zone in it. Filyos is the cornerstone of the new development goal of the Western Black Sea Region. Philios; a region where sea, railway, airline and road facilities coexist. It will be the main export center of the Western Black Sea and Central Anatolia. This is the 3rd largest port in Turkey with a handling capacity of 25 million tons. This will be the gateway to the sea not only of the Western Black Sea, but also of Central Anatolia. This will be the landing point of the Black Sea gas. You will see how the Filyos project will transform this region.”

Reminding that Çaycuma CCI is an accredited Chamber, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that it offers 5-star service to its members.

Stating that he is very happy about the importance given to education by Çaycuma CCI, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Investment in education is never a loss. You built a school, and as TOBB, we did it too. With the Vocational Education Cooperation Protocol, you are the patron of Çaycuma MTAL. May Allah be pleased with our former rector Mahmur Özer. We can train the staff we need. We can change the curriculum. We have occupancy after LGS: 96%, 76% in MEB. because we need an intermediate staff very much.”

Emphasizing that the chamber protects its local values, the TOBB President said, “You have registered Çaycuma Yoghurt as a geomarked product. Now it's the EU's turn. I hope that Çaycuma will become even richer with your efforts and endeavors.”

Stating that they will open the Arbitration and Mediation Center, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “As you know, mediation has been made compulsory in employee-employer, commercial and consumer disputes. The use of this system has increased day by day. And 66% of them ended up in a deal. Trials that used to take years were over in days or weeks. So access to justice has accelerated. We have made great efforts to make it known and known in the business world. Within TOBB, we launched the UYUM Mediation and Dispute Resolution Center. Currently, the number of applications to mediation across the country has reached 100,000 per month. So the step we took was successful. Thanks to this center in Çaycuma, you will be able to resolve your commercial disputes both faster and cheaper.”

Pointing out that their main goal is to listen to the council members and to gather their problems and suggestions, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Of course, there is more work to be done, because the troubles are not over. As TOBB, we follow and express these as well. We convey the increase in our input costs, the difficulties in accessing credit, high energy prices, the rise in input prices such as fertilizer and feed in agriculture to the relevant Ministers. Due to high inflation, the need for working capital of companies is also increasing. We also convey to the government that new loans and CGF surety loan packages are needed to support them.”

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