Hisarcıklıoğlu celebrated World Environment Day


05.06.2022 Ankara

Within the scope of June 5, World Environment Day and Turkey Environment Week, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu issued a celebratory message.

In his celebratory message, Hisarcıklıoğlu said: “The fight against climate change is setting the agenda of countries as never before in history. Without country-continent-region borders, the whole world has to move more organized and faster.

As the Republic of Turkey, I believe that we have come a long way in this regard recently. Last year, the Paris Climate Agreement was ratified by our Supreme Assembly. Mr. President announced 2053 as the year we will reach net zero.

In line with these developments, I believe that our family, society and business world should be more proactive from institutions to individuals.

We must capture the spirit of the times, take green transformation into our main focus in production, trade, agriculture, finance, maritime, education, technology and many other areas, and develop new policies and new perspectives. The slogan of World Environment Day, which is recognized by the United Nations as June 5 and celebrated every year, reminds us how much we need the protection of the environment: ‘One World’. We have only one world to live in. For this reason, we must establish a cleaner, greener life in harmony with nature.

The way to achieve this is to transform our industry, to build a green and circular economy, to put concepts such as zero waste and recycling at the center of our lives, in short, to completely change our lifestyle.

We should make our evaluations with this perspective, do our part for our future and undertake this responsibility together with all stakeholders.

As the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, we attach great importance to environmental and climate change issues. We continue our work on awareness, guide the green transformation adventure of our industrialists and use all our opportunities to facilitate this transformation process.

With these thoughts and the hope of waking up to a more livable tomorrow, I celebrate the World Environment Day and Turkey Environment Week of all our people with my sincerest wishes.”

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