We must increase our trade volume to 5 billion dollars




H.E. Dr. Ewa Björling, Trade Minister of Sweden; Hakan Akensson, Ambassador of Sweden in Ankara and the Swedish delegation had been the guests of TOBB at the working dinner on 12 April 2011 which was hosted by Mr. Faik Yavuz, TOBB Vice President and Ankara Commodity Exchange President. The Swedish businessmen delegation met with representatives from Turkish public institutions and firms during the working dinner.​

  Mr. Faik Yavuz, TOBB Vice President, stated in his speech that their goal is to increase the trade volume with Sweden to 5 billion dollars in short term. Mr. Faik Yavuz underlined that Turkey and Sweden has a very long history of trade. Mr. Yavuz mentioned that the visit of Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Sweden in April 2008 had increased expectations in economic relations of the two countries. The goal is to become one of the 10 biggest economies Mr. Faik Yavuz, TOBB Vice President, informed the Swedish delegation about the Turkish economy and mentioned that Turkey has the goal to become the tenth biggest economy in the world in 2023, 100th year of the Republic with its 2 trillion dollars gross national income and 500 billion dollars export volume. Mr. Yavuz stated Turkey began to be a leading country in technological investments by supporting research-development studies recently. Ewa Björling, Swedish Minister of Trade Ewa Björling, Swedish Minister of Trade mentioned in her speech that with the customs union 500 million European Union citizens bonded and Turkey is part of it. Ewa Björling stated that Turkey is a very important trade partner for Sweden. Mrs. Björling mentioned that Sweden aims to double its export within 5 years.

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