July 15th Message From Hisarcıklıoğlu


14.07.2022 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu issued a message on the occasion of July 15th Democracy and National Unity Day.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they are always on the side of democracy, the nation and the state.


TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu's message is as follows:


“We are on the 6th anniversary of the treacherous coup attempt of July 15th, 2016. We have not forgotten and will not forget this dastardly attack on the independence and future of our country.


On the night of July 15th, 2016, Turkey showed that it will never accept as legitimate an administration which does not derive its power from the ballot and its authority from the nation; that it will not bow to an option other than democracy and the will of the nation.


July 15th was a historic stress test for both Turkish politics and the Turkish economy. With the wisdom of the nation, this test was successfully passed.


With the emergence of this treacherous coup attempt originating from FETÖ, we, as TOBB and the Chamber-Commodity Exchange community, put forward our reaction from the first moment. We were the first professional organization to take action against the coup attempt and the first to take the initiative.


As soon as the coup declaration was read, we came out at 00:22 at night and said; ‘We reject any will other than the will of the nation and democracy. This is the day to defend democracy.’


As TOBB and the Chamber-Commodity Exchange Community, we stand by democracy, our nation and our state.


As the Turkish business world, we continue to work with the same spirit and the same belief. We will ensure that Turkey takes its place among the world's largest economies and becomes a leading country by working together.


We pray for the grace of Allah for the heroic martyrs of the national resistance who lost their lives in this epic struggle for democracy that has gone down in history, extend our condolences to their precious families, and we commemorate our veterans with gratitude.”

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