“OIZs have become the dynamos of the cities where they are located”


05.08.2022 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the Organized Industrial Zones Supreme Organization (OSBUK) 20th Ordinary General Assembly.

Speaking at the opening of the General Assembly, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that as industrialists, they continued to work and produce, and despite all the troubles during the pandemic; they increased their industrial production and exports.

Stating that they are one of the very few countries in the world that have achieved this, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Our economy, despite all the difficulties experienced, has grown much faster than other countries in the recent period. Exports, industrial production and employment rose above pre-pandemic levels. On the other hand, in addition to increases in inflation and production costs at home, we also faced rising raw material and energy prices all over the world. The Russia-Ukraine war, China-Taiwan tensions, energy and food supply shortages, the re-spread of COVID-19 and the rising interest rates around the world are affecting global growth negatively. Therefore, in this difficult period we are facing, ensuring that our companies have access to finance under favorable conditions is critical for our country's economy.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, reminding that they have constantly emphasized the difficulties in accessing finance, the rise in loan rates and the inadequacy of credit limits in the recent period, said, “We see that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find long-term and fixed-rate loans required for investments. We also receive complaints that the use of Central Bank rediscount credits, which is a very important opportunity for our exporters, has decreased. On the other hand, we also know that due to high inflation and cost increases, the need for credit for investment and working capital has increased compared to the previous periods. Last week, we met with our Central Bank Governor at TOBB. We told him all this and asked for support. We conveyed that we expect our banks to provide loans to our real sector on favorable terms and to act constructively, taking into account the funding costs.”

Pointing out that green transformation is an important agenda that includes both risks and opportunities in front of the industry, Hisarcıklıoğlu continued: “In fact, it means a new customs union process. We, too, will either be in this change or we will be out of it. For this reason, as the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, we attach great importance to this issue. We continue our efforts to ensure that our sectors adapt to the green transformation with the least damage and in the most efficient way. However, we are also aware that such a transformation will not take place without the support of the public administration. Therefore, we explain to our government that our public institutions should come together with our industrialists and implement the regulations that will be necessary for this transformation without losing time. We want incentives to support the transformation of sectors that will be affected by the European Green Deal. As TOBB, we continue to stand by our industrialists in many other areas. In order to comply with the green consensus process, we are working to establish a system that will measure the carbon footprint. With our Smart SME project, we guide the digital transformation of industrialists and help you. With our robust SME project, we start disaster preparedness trainings and work to make you prepared for disasters. With our TOBB CERN Liaison Office, we ensure that you are the supplier of large companies such as CERN, Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant and Vodafone. With the capacity report and domestic goods certificate we provide as TOBB, we include you in the TOBB Industry Database and ensure that you participate in our Supplier Development Programs.”

Stating that a cooperation protocol will be signed between TOBB UYUM and OSBÜK, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that TOBB UYUM Mediation and Dispute Resolution Centers help to resolve employee-employer disputes and commercial disputes quickly throughout Turkey.

Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that Turkey's OIZs are accepted as an exemplary model in the world and that OIZs, which have become the dynamos of the cities where they are located, prove that Turkey can be a global production center and increase Turkey's investment attractiveness.

Stating that Memiş Kütükçü's OSBÜK Presidency is a great chance for the industry and OIZs, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “With him, we have brought up many regulations that pave the way for our industry. We have ensured that many burdens on our industry such as property tax and TRT share in electricity were removed.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu asked for support from Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Hasan Büyükdede on the issuance of a regulation that will enable the establishment of GES in OIZs in order to supply energy, which is one of the biggest cost items of the industry, under more favorable conditions.

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