Hisarcıklıoğlu visited Keşan CCI, attended the opening of the Mediation Compliance Center


12.08.2022 Keşan Edirne

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the opening of the Mediation Dispute and Resolution Center while visiting the Keşan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TSO).

In addition to Hisarcıklıoğlu, Keşan Mayor Mustafa Helvacıoğlu, Keşan CCI Council President Orkun Özkaya, Keşan CCI Chairman İsmail Şapçı, heads of chambers and commodity exchanges and managers of the surrounding provinces and districts attended the program.


Hisarcıklıoğlu, who attended the consultation meeting after the opening of the 'Mediation and Compliance Center', stated that a revolutionary step was taken with the establishment of mediation centers and said, “We had forgotten the mediation that existed here, especially in our culture. We also call it Akhism. The Akhi organization in the 13th century has become the chamber of today. It became the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Cemil Çiçek paved the way for us during the period of the Ministry of Justice. We've demanded it for years. We said that as in the West, the West has grabbed our culture and is rapidly solving all problems for cheaper. There is a beautiful saying that 'justice delayed is not justice'. Today, arbitration and mediation have entered our legal system. The number of incoming files in 3 years is 3 million. 70 percent of this has been resolved by agreement. There is consent of both parties.”


- The business world that survived the pandemic period with the least damage in Turkey


Stating that the business world that survived the pandemic period with the least damage was in Turkey, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “365 chambers and commodity exchanges have a great contribution to this. May Allah be pleased with all of them. At 22.00, 24.00, 01.00, 02.00 and even 03.00 at night, we conveyed the problems to all ministers, especially our President. I have received nearly 230 requests from you. 97 percent of them have been solved in one way or another. We survived it with little damage. Today, they say, 'What do chambers and exchanges do?' We have increasing troubles in this recent period. It is our duty to convey these problems to the government.”


- We will open TOGG's factory on October 29


Hisarcıklıoğlu also spoke about Turkey's domestic and national electric vehicle TOGG, “60 years ago, we had a dream that was interrupted. What was it? Production of Turkey's automobile. Production with Turkish brand. When we were given this task, we said to the Turkish private sector, trusting you; 'We do this job. As the Turkish business world, we will do it.” If God willing, all IP rights are ours. 51 percent are domestic and national. We are building Turkey's first automobile, TOGG, at the same time as the world in terms of technology. Now the era of fossil fuels is coming to an end. What does it start? Electric cars. We will open the factory of TOGG, Turkey's first place and national car, on October 29. Allah willing, we will ride TOGG together in Keşan, in March.” Hisarcıklıoğlu also said that a school will be provided to Keşan by TOBB.

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