İpsala Commodity Exchange new service building


12.08.2022 İpsala Edirne

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the Opening Ceremony of the İpsala Commodity Exchange Service Building. Speaking at the ceremony hosted by İpsala Commodity Exchange President Necmi Sezer, Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that İpsala is Turkey's gateway to Europe.

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, pointing out that there are fertile agricultural areas in the region that feed Turkey, said, “One third of the paddy cultivation in our country is done here. Baldo, the most preferred rice of our tables, is grown here. Now, as befits the center of agriculture, we are opening the new service building of our İpsala Commodity Exchange.”

Stating that the service building is a work of vision, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “It is the work of a contemporary management approach that aims to serve its members in the best way and enrich its city. I was proud that our İpsala Commodity Exchange had built such a service building that was befitting of this place, aiming to provide the best, highest quality service to its members, and I was proud of our exchange. This place was started by our late President and dear friend İbrahim Girginli. He has left us a very beautiful work, may Allah make his abode paradise. My brother Necmi Sezer, who took over the flag from him, worked with the same determination and presented this building to the service of İpsala. I wholeheartedly congratulate him and his administration.”

- Steps taken for the development of agricultural markets

Stating that Commodity Exchanges are centers of agricultural trade, the TOBB President said that for this purpose, they should be brought to become places that add value to the city, beautify and produce services. .

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that as TOBB, they have taken and will continue to take important steps for the development of agricultural markets in the country and said: “We have implemented TMO-TOBB LİDAŞ in order to store agricultural products safely. Thus, by taking the first step in our country, we pioneered the increase of licensed warehouse investments of the private sector. 4 licensed warehouses started to operate in İpsala. Thanks to the licensed warehouse, in addition to security storage, we have facilitated the access of producers to finance and ensured that industrialists can easily access raw materials. On top of the system that forms the basis of the licensed warehouse, we established TÜRİB – Product Specialized Exchange. Thus, we have implemented the commodity exchange in agricultural products. Now, we ensure that the prices of the products we produce are determined in a healthier way.”

Stating that agriculture and animal husbandry will never lose their importance, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We have to consume in order to live, and the agriculture and livestock sector will meet this. Look, the world's population has become 8 billion, and the middle class in the world is growing more and more every day. The older it gets, the more it consumes. On the other hand, we have seen the importance of being a self-sufficient country during the pandemic period. That is why the work you do here is strategically important. We can never neglect agriculture. On the other hand, our costs have increased significantly in the recent period. We are meeting with our relevant Ministers to take measures on these issues. As long as we don't marginalize each other. Let us not shy away from consultation, from common sense.”

Following the speeches, Hisarcıklıoğlu and Edirne Governor H. Kürşat Kırbıyık, TGNA Equal Opportunities Commission for Men and Women (KEFEK) Chair and AK Party Edirne Deputy Fatma Aksal, CHP Edirne Deputy Okan Gaytancıoğlu, Edirne Mayor Recep Gürkan, İpsala District Governor Ekrem Güngör, Keşan Mayor Mustafa Helvacıoğlu, İpsala Mayor Abdullah Naci Ünsal, AK Party Provincial Chair Belgin İba and İpsala Chamber of Commerce Chairman Necmi Sezer, inaugurated the commodity exchange building.

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