Bingöl CCI's new service building opened


19.08.2022 Bingöl

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the Opening Ceremony of the Bingöl Chamber of Commerce and Industry Service Building.

Speaking at the ceremony attended by Bingöl Governor Kadir Ekinci, Mayor Erdal Arıkan, Bingöl CCI President Mahmut Ayas and presidents of chambers and commodity exchanges from the surrounding provinces, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu wished that the new service building would bring fortune and prosperity to the city and trade.

Stating that the service building is the work of a modern management approach that aims to serve its members in the best way and enrich its city under the light of a vision, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “I am proud and proud that our Bingöl CCI has built such a service building as befits Bingöl and aims to provide the best, highest quality service to its member. I wholeheartedly congratulate my brother Mahmut Ayas, the President of the Chamber, and his administration for bringing this beautiful work to life. Our chamber is also an accredited chamber. In other words, it is certified to offer you 5-star service. Our Chamber increases its service capacity and quality with each passing day and becomes an interpreter for the problems of our members. It makes every effort to solve its problems. I say may Allah be pleased with him.”

Stating that the chambers are the main representation centers of the business world, the TOBB President said: “Chambers should become places that add value to the city, beautify and produce services. With this new service building, our Chamber will continue to make even greater contributions to the development of Bingöl. We are also working with our President Mahmut at TOBB in Ankara. We are also together in the management of Kapıköy, our customs gate to Iran. He is also on our Board of Vocational Education. Today, my brother Mahmut has a great share in the success of TOBB and our Chamber-Commodity Exchanges in vocational education.”

- TOBB's contributions to the region

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that as TOBB, they have brought important works to Bingöl and said, “We built 480 earthquake houses in 2003-2004. In 2015, we built our Cevdet Yılmaz Secondary School with 32 classrooms. Bingöl deserves the best of all these services. After that, we give our best support. Our Chamber and Mahmut President are also carrying out works that add value to Bingöl and at the same time bringing every effort of yours to Ankara and looking for a solution. During the pandemic period, he became an interpreter for your troubles. He collected your problems and suggestions. Together, we have communicated these to the government. We also got results from a significant part of them. A lot of support and arrangements have been implemented.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, who also gave the good news that TOGG will be ready on October 29 in his speech, said, “But our problems are not over, of course there are problems. We constantly express these and strive to provide solutions. For example, in loan rates and limits, we were all experiencing great difficulties. First we met with our Central Bank, then with our public banks, at TOBB. Also in June, TOBB Türkiye Economic Council was attended by our Vice President, Ministers of Finance, Industry, Trade and Energy. Our Chamber-Commodity Exchange Presidents also convey all the problems and solution proposals in the market. As the voice of our members, we become their interpreters. This is the duty given to us by law. The executive authority and responsibility belongs to our government. But let's always keep one thing in mind. When they are one and together, Allah gives mercy and blessings. As long as we don't alienate each other. Let's not exclude anyone because of their opinion, their beliefs. Know that we can overcome every problem with common sense and dialogue. Then, we will move our country forward together.”

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