Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the opening of the Erzurum Commodity Exchange Registration Award Ceremony and the Mediation and Compliance Center


20.08.2022 Erzurum

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the opening of the Mediation and Compliance Center with the Registration Award Ceremony hosted by Hakan Oral, the President of Erzurum Commodity Exchange. Erzurum Governor Okay Memiş also took part in the ceremony.

In his speech here, Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that it is very important for the public administrators of the city to support the private sector and said, “Their approach is very valuable for us. Finally, our governorship, municipality, development agency, provincial directorate of agriculture together with our commodity exchange, milk collection center opened. Thus, it will be ensured that milk will be transported by cold chain in Erzurum, and our producer, industrialist and Erzurum will benefit from this work. I would like to thank these valuable names who have united for the development of Erzurum and applaud them all together. Again, as you know, during the pandemic, we worked with our Chamber and Commodity Exchange Presidents to provide many supports for you.”

- As TOBB, we follow up with problems

Pointing out that there is more work to be done, Hisarcıklıoğlu said: “As TOBB, we follow up with and relay problems. We convey the increase in our input costs, the difficulties in accessing credit, high energy prices to the relevant Ministers. In addition to the rise in the prices of inputs such as fertilizer and feed in agriculture, drought is also turning into a very big problem. Due to high inflation, the need for working capital of companies is also increasing. We also convey to the government the need for new loans and CGF surety loan packages to support them. For example, in loan rates and limits, we were all experiencing great difficulties. First we met with our Central Bank, then with our public banks, at TOBB.

In June, TOBB Türkiye Economic Council was attended by our Vice President, Ministers of Finance, Industry, Trade and Energy. Together with my Chamber-Commodity Exchange Presidents, we conveyed all the problems in the market and the solution proposals. On behalf of the Eastern Anatolia Region and you, our Erzurum CE President, Hakan Oral, took the floor. He personally explained your problems and demands to the ministers, especially for Erzurum to benefit from the 6th region incentives, to give incentives in accordance with the basin-based agriculture and livestock model, to take measures against high input costs in animal husbandry, to issue a special KGF package for agriculture and animal husbandry, and to reduce taxes on energy bills. In summary, our Commodity Exchange and Hakan President are both carrying out studies that add value to Erzurum and bringing your every problem to Ankara and looking for solutions.

Our Commodity Exchange also protected the local values of Erzurum. Number one in Türkiye with 37 geomarker applications and 7th with 20 registrations. They implemented the Cold Chain Milk project, the most prestigious production project of Eastern Anatolia. In 4 years, it has provided nearly 50 million liras of resources to our producers. The exchange provided our members with free e-commerce and discounted electricity use. It became the founding partner of LİDAŞ and the Product Specialized Exchange TÜRİB. All this is a matter of vision, I congratulate you.”

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