Stars of Hatay economy awarded


24.08.2022 Hatay

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the Joint Award Ceremony held at the Assembly Cultural Center of the Antakya Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Antakya Commodity Exchange.

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, speaking at the award ceremony hosted by Antakya CCI President Hikmet Çinçin and Antakya Commodity Exchange President Ali Celal Mursaloğlu, said that the joint award ceremony and cooperation is befitting Hatay, the city of peace, brotherhood, tolerance and tranquility, which has hosted dozens of great civilizations and where different cultures and beliefs live together.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the unity in Antakya is an example for all of Türkiye, “There is another point here that we should be proud of. Antakya CCI and TB are accredited. They offer 5-star service to our member. My chamber-commodity exchange presidents in Hatay are my colleagues in Ankara and TOBB. I work together with my brother Hikmet in the TIR Committee and with my brother Celal in the council of Commodity Exchanges. I benefit from their knowledge and experience. They represent you in the best way in Ankara. At the same time, they are doing their part and working for the development and enrichment of Antakya. Our Antakya Commodity Exchange is taking action to increase the production and trade of medicinal and aromatic plants. It enables more medicinal and aromatic plants to be produced and sold in Hatay. Our Antakya Commodity Exchange protects the local values of Hatay by registering its geomarkers. It protects Hatay's cheeses, pumpkin dessert and kunefe, pepper and jam. From my Presidents to their Administrations, from their Assemblies to their General Secretaries and employees, may Allah be pleased with all of them.”

- We work for the business world

Hisarcıklıoğlu noted that during the pandemic, they worked with the Presidents of the Chambers and Commodity Exchanges to provide many supports for the business world and said, “Of course, there is more work to be done, because the troubles are not over. As TOBB, we follow up with and relay these as well.

We convey the increase in our input costs, the difficulties in accessing credit, high energy prices to the relevant Ministers. In addition to the rise in the prices of inputs such as fertilizer and feed in agriculture, drought is also turning into a very big problem. Due to high inflation, the need for working capital of companies is also increasing. We also convey to the government the need for new loans and CGF surety loan packages to support them. For example, in loan rates and limits, we were all experiencing great difficulties. First we met with our Central Bank, then with our public banks, at TOBB and explained the situation to them.

Later, new regulations were introduced. Hopefully, we expect it to reflect positively on the loan interest rate. In June, TOBB Türkiye Economic Council was attended by our Vice President, Ministers of Finance, Industry, Trade and Energy. Together with my Chamber-Commodity Exchange Presidents, we have explained your problems and demands to the ministers. At this point, you should definitely pay attention to this point.

We, as the voice of our members, become their interpreters. The executive authority and responsibility belongs to our government. Apart from these, we will also put on our agenda the issues that you will convey through our Chamber and Commodity Exchange. Together with my presidents, we will continue to follow these and work to conclude them. At their request, we are starting another good job in Hatay. As you know, as TOBB, we built a high school with 40 classrooms and a dormitory for 300 people here. Now, we will build another school in Dörtyol, Erzin, İskenderun, Kırıkhan and Reyhanlı. May it be auspicious and beneficial for Hatay.”

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