Hisarcıklıoğlu Artvin met with the business world


19.09.2022 Artvin

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the consultation meeting hosted by Artvin CCI President Seçkin Kurt at the Artvin Youth Center.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his speech here, reminded that he was in Azerbaijan recently and said, “We went to Shusha on the border after the day when 79 martyrs were killed in clashes with Armenia. We organized a Business Forum with 200 businessmen. We supported the reconstruction of Karabakh, which was liberated from occupation. Then we went to Baku to receive the State Order that President Aliyev had awarded to me. We have returned receiving this precious award on behalf of our community and you.”

- We have come to listen to our business people

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they wanted to meet with the business world of Artvin and listen to them, their troubles and suggestions, “As you know, during the pandemic, we worked with my Presidents and provided many supports for you. Of course, there is more work to be done, because the troubles are not over listening to them. As TOBB, we are following and voicing these as well.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu explained that they conveyed the increase in our input costs, difficulties in accessing credit, high energy prices to the relevant Ministers, and pointed out that the working capital need of companies increased due to inflation. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We also convey to the government that new loans and KGF surety loan packages are needed to support them. For example, in loan rates and limits, we were all experiencing great difficulties. First we met with our Central Bank, then with our public banks, at TOBB. Later, new regulations were introduced. Hopefully, we expect it to reflect positively on the loan interest rate.”

- Artvin will prosper

Stating that they are working together with Seçkin Kurt President at TOBB, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “He is serving in the Legislation Commission, representing you in the best way in Ankara. I am very pleased to work with my distinguished brother. I say may Allah be pleased with their efforts. With his initiative, we are giving you a Mediation Center. Now you will be able to resolve all your legal disputes here both faster and cheaper. I hope that together, we will make Artvin richer. I believe that the future of Artvin is bright. The Cankurtaran Tunnel, which has been a dream for years, has been opened. Rize-Artvin Airport, Turkey's second airport built at sea, has also been put into operation, we landed there last night. On the other hand, as TOBB, we have modernized the Sarp Border Gate.”

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