Hisarcıklıoğlu met with the Siirt business world


23.09.2022 Siirt

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the consultation meeting with the council members hosted by Siirt CCI Chairman Güven Kuzu. Siirt Governor and Deputy Mayor Osman Hacıbektaşoğlu, Former Speaker of the Grand National Assembly Cemil Çiçek, President of the Court of Cassation Mehmet Akarca and Chief Prosecutor of the Republic of the Court of Cassation Bekir Şahin also took part in the meeting.

While listening to the opinions and suggestions of the business world of the city, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated in his speech that they came to Siirt for good deeds. “We have officially opened our TOBB Atatürk Anatolian High School. We opened the Compliance and Mediation Center,” Hisarcıklıoğlu said, adding: “Our chamber is accredited, that is, a 5-star room. For this vision, I congratulate our Chamber and our President Güven Kuzu. My brother Güven and I are also working together in Ankara. He is in the Turkish National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce. He represents you in the best way in Ankara. One chance of Siirt is that the leading businessman of our country, Mr. Nihat Özdemir, is the President of the Assembly of our Chamber. We are together with our President Nihat in the TOBB General Administrative Board. I am very happy to work with each of our Presidents and to have them as my companions. I say may Allah be pleased with our Presidents Güven Kuzu and Nihat Özdemir, who are working with determination to serve Siirt in the best way. They are both carrying out works that add value to Siirt and bringing your every problem to Ankara and looking for solutions. During the pandemic, they have been interpreters of your troubles. They have collected your problems and suggestions. Together, we have communicated these to the government. We also got results from a significant part of them. A lot of support and arrangements have been implemented. But our troubles are not over, of course there are problems. We are constantly voicing these and trying to provide solutions.”

- We convey the demands of the members

Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that they conveyed the increase in our input costs, the problems in accessing credit, high energy prices to the relevant Ministers, and pointed out that in addition to the increase in input prices such as fertilizer and feed in agriculture, drought has also turned into a big problem. Stating that high inflation increases the need for working capital, the TOBB President said, “We also convey to the government that new loans and KGF surety loan packages are needed to support them. In loan rates and limits, we were all experiencing great difficulties. First we met with our Central Bank, then with our public banks, at TOBB. Later, new regulations were introduced. Hopefully, we expect it to reflect positively on the loan interest rate. Work has also begun on a new CGF package. In addition, our Vice President, Ministers of Finance, Industry, Trade and Energy attended the TOBB Economic Council, which we organized in June. We told all of them about the problems you are experiencing and your demands."

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that when we are one and together, Allah will give mercy and blessings, “As long as we do not marginalize each other. Let's not exclude anyone because of their beliefs, their opinions. Let there be peace so that trade will increase, and wealth will come with increasing trade.”

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