İnegöl's economy stars received their awards


03.10.2022 İnegöl Bursa

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the İnegöl CCI 2021 Stars of Exports Award Ceremony hosted by Yavuz Uğurdağ, President of the İnegöl Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, who spoke at the Award Ceremony, stated in his speech that they came to İnegöl for good deeds. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “First, our furniture fair was opened. We also had the opportunity to visit. In fact, furniture is a must for İnegöl. The furniture sector in İnegöl has a history of about 100 years. İnegöl first started with forestry products, then turned it into furniture. İnegöl shows us how to transform a sector and how to add value to the raw product. İnegöl is also an important export center. However, this is not enough for us, we need to increase the export share of İnegöl. That's why we set up a TTM in Chicago, and take advantage of it. 20 years ago, the sector's exports were around 300 million dollars. Today, we have 5 billion dollars of exports to more than 190 countries. Our target is 7 billion dollars. İnegöl also has a big share here."


TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they opened the Arbitration and Mediation Center within the body of İnegöl CCI after the fair and said, “Now we will present the awards that İnegöl's export stars deserve. I congratulate our İnegöl CCI and all its members who have completed their elections with great maturity. In some of our professional committees, 2-3 lists competed. This is a good example of our community and democracy. These offices are not authority for receiving, but for giving. Now that the election is over, it is time to join hands and work for İnegöl as one heart.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, who also emphasized the importance of the mediation system in his speech, said, “With the Mediation Center, we help you to resolve your legal disputes in the fastest way. Because, you know, an average case takes years. At this point, alternative solutions must come into play. In this context, mediation in worker-employer, commercial and consumer disputes has been made mandatory


The use of the system has increased day by day. The number of applications to mediation reached 100,000 per month. 70 percent of them ended up in a deal. Trials that used to take years were over in days or weeks. So access to justice has accelerated. Most importantly, the parties parted peacefully. What it says in our culture anyway; facilitate, don't exacerbate. Now you will be able to resolve all your trade disputes here, both faster and cheaper. You'll be able to see cases that took months or even years, come to a conclusion here in a matter of weeks. You should definitely use this opportunity.”


- İnegöl came first in CCI accreditation audits


Hisarcıklıoğlu underlined that İnegöl CCI is an accredited chamber, that is, a chamber that provides 5-star service, and said, “In the previous audit period you ranked first with the highest audit score among all CCIs, I congratulate our Chamber. My brother Yavuz and I are working together at the CCI Council in Ankara.


He represents you in the best way in Ankara. May Allah be pleased with my brother Yavuz, who is working diligently to serve İnegöl in the best way. He is carrying out efforts that add value to İnegöl and at the same time bringing your every problem to Ankara and looking for solutions. During the pandemic, they have been interpreters of your troubles. They have collected your problems and suggestions. Together, we have communicated these to the government, which is in charge. We also got results from a significant part of them. A lot of support and arrangements have been implemented. But our troubles are not over, of course there are problems. We constantly express these and strive to provide solutions. Let's always keep one thing in mind. When we are one and together, Allah grants grace and prosperity. As long as we don't marginalize each other. Let's not exclude anyone because of their beliefs, their opinions.”


At the end of his speech, Hisarcıklıoğlu gave the good news that they will build a school in İnegöl upon the request of İnegöl CCI, and also announced that they would open the TOGG automobile factory on October 29.

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