Visit to Hisarcıklıoğlu from Sandıklı Commodity Exchange


22.10.2022 Ankara

Sandıklı Commodity Exchange Chairman Hidayet Şahin and Assembly Speaker İsmail Özel visited the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu at his office with their delegation.

At the reception, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu wished success for the new term efforts and conveyed his good wishes.

In his statement after the visit, Hidayet Şahin said: “There was no rival candidate. Therefore, we had a very comfortable election. Thanks to my Rifat President, he is constantly helping us. There was an exchange of ideas here. We also introduced our assembly. We thank him very much for that. From now on, we stand by our Rifat President. I hope we will offer our support to him during the General Assembly process.”

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