Kocaeli Chamber of Commerce visits Hisarcıklıoğlu


31.10.2022 Ankara

Kocaeli Chamber of Commerce Chairman Necmi Bulut and Assembly Speaker Hüseyin Gezer visited the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu at his office with their delegation.

At the reception, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu wished success for the new term efforts and conveyed his good wishes.

Necmi Bulut, in his statement after the visit, gave the following views: “As Kocaeli Chamber of Commerce, we completed our elections on the 20th of the month. We had an election process worthy of Kocaeli, democratic, where everyone could access everything. Although it was a rainy day, there was a 50 percent turnout. Our team, which received 83 percent of this 50 percent participation, received 25 of the 25 committees and received a proxy again from the Kocaeli Chamber of Commerce with 83 percent of the votes. I hope that for the next 4 years, with the working system we have seen from our Rifat President, we can transfer the problems of our members to the relevant authorities and produce solutions. It was a good election result for us. It took place in an environment where everyone could easily express themselves without noise and fights befitting Kocaeli.

We visited our President today, who has always given us confidence with his presence. In the work of our Chamber, we always take you as an example. He mediated in everything we would convey to the relevant Ministries, may Allah be pleased with him. After the chambers, there will be the TOBB General Assembly. Today, as Kocaeli Chamber of Commerce, we have come here with our team to express that we are with you 24-7 in this process. Thanks to them, they hosted us. We thank them and their team.”

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