Hisarcıklıoğlu met with TÜGİAD members


21.11.2022 ANKARA

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the TÜGİAD Economy Platform & Türkiye's Future Vision meeting organized by the Young Business People Association of Türkiye (TÜGİAD) and Hürriyet Newspaper and met with TÜGİAD President Nilüfer Çevikel and TÜGİAD members.

In his speech at the meeting, Hisarcıklıoğlu talked about some of the works of TOBB and said, “As the TOBB community, of which you are a part and a member, especially in the last 2 years, first during the pandemic and then during the turbulent period in the economy, as TOBB and Chambers / Commodity Exchanges, we have not left you alone. We have closely followed the troubles and demands you have submitted. We became your voice, we acted as your interpreter and we looked for solutions. We conveyed all the issues that came to us to the relevant places. We conveyed the proposals to our Ministers first-hand. We have had positive results in most of them.”

Stating that there's more work to be done Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the troubles are not over, and that they follow these and that they conveyed the troubles to the relevant Ministers.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the implementation of inflation accounting has now become a great need and that they demand that the application be started before further postponement. Emphasizing that the need for working capital of companies has increased due to high inflation, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they have conveyed to the government the need for new loans and KGF surety loan packages to support them, and that they are following all the problems of the sectors, especially the financing problem.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they have achieved another first to facilitate the entry of Turkish companies into the US market and to increase exports, and asked them to use the Trade Center to take more part in the US market and to evaluate the great opportunities there.

- “We are making more than just cars”

Stating that they have reached the first target in Türkiye's Automobile Togg, which will contribute to Türkiye's green transformation process and mobility ecosystem, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “The production facilities in Bursa Gemlik started to operate last month and the first vehicle came off the line. We are proud of realizing the century-old dream of our country. For the first time in our history, we are producing a car whose intellectual property rights belong to our country. For the first time, we are bringing together 5 large organizations with a common goal. And at the right time, we enter a head-to-head race with our global competitors. We produce more than just a car. With Togg smart devices, we say that we are also in the mobility world of tomorrow. We will be a preferred global brand with our technology, mobility solutions and competitive price. We will turn our automotive supply industry into a global player in the next generation mobility ecosystem. Domestic sales will start next year. Next year, we will take steps to sell abroad.”

- Education Investments

Stating that they have made significant investments in the field of education as TOBB, the TOBB President said that they have built 81 schools in 81 provinces, and then they have decided to build new schools in 160 districts where Chambers and Commodity Exchanges operate by launching a new and larger initiative.

Hisarcıklıoğlu also stated that they have realized a silent revolution in Vocational Education together with the Ministry of National Education and said, “We have increased the contribution and participation of the private sector. Our Chambers and Commodity Exchanges undertook the patronage of 117 vocational high schools in 81 provinces. We have made new investments in schools and ensured that the curriculum is shaped according to the demand from the market. In this way, the professions demanded in the market began to be taught in schools. And it became easier for students who graduated from here to find jobs. As a result of the demand, the occupancy rate in these vocational high schools has reached 96 percent.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that as TOBB, it prepares companies and sectors for the effects of the European Green Deal and green transformation and develops their institutional capacities, and determines the road map of the sectors together by bringing together the sectors that will be most affected and the public.

Stating that they are thus leading the green transformation of the Turkish business world, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “As TOBB, we have recently commissioned the climate portal. This portal contains all activities related to the green transformation, the supports offered by the public and the documents that will guide the green transformation. Visit our site. Write down your suggestions.”

- Young recommendations for business people

Hisarcıklıoğlu, emphasizing that Türkiye's position as a global supply point may become stronger, and that developed economies such as the USA and Europe are looking for alternative supply centers, said, “They want to reduce dependence on the single market and go to resource diversity. For example, look at Europe importing 2 trillion euros right next to us. We get only 70 billion euros, or 3.5 percent, of this. There's an opportunity here right now. We must make good use of this opportunity. 52 percent of the total imports in the world are made by the G7 countries. The G7 countries are changing their product standards. It will be very important to measure the carbon and water footprint and to do waste management. Big companies have begun to transform their supply chains. We need to be preparing for these changing markets.”

Underlining that the agriculture and livestock sectors will never lose their importance, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We have to consume to live, and the agriculture and livestock sector will meet this. Look, the world's population has become 8 billion, and the middle class in the world is growing more and more every day. The older it gets, the more it consumes.”

The TOBB President, who made suggestions to the participants, said: “The most valuable land in the world is the screen of the smartphone. The important thing is to be able to take up space on this valuable land. So how can we get involved in the world's most valuable land on a mobile phone screen? Your company or product will either have a mobile application or you will be in a developed mobile application. Mobile applications provide great convenience to consumers. Whether your company or product can be reached through mobile applications is very, very important in consumer preferences. E-commerce will become a habit for the consumer who starts shopping online. Therefore, our businesses have to move their products and services to the digital environment. That's the first one. Don't forget that. Second, partner and learn the culture of cooperation. Third, do not swim into the current. If we let go of our laziness of thinking in every field, everything will be completely different. What does Mevlana say, 'Yesterday was yesterday, my dear, we need to say new things today'. It is necessary to read the world correctly and to follow the spirit of the times. There is no accident of opportunity. Fourth, negative outlooks should not lead us to pessimism or imprudence. Pessimism does not suit the business person. The pessimistic can neither produce nor trade. As the Turkish business world, we have the experience and dynamism to overcome the troubles. As long as we trust ourselves, as long as we don't marginalize each other. The public-private sector will join hands to overcome these difficult days.”

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