Kayseri province / district Chambers / Commodity Exchanges visited Hisarcıklıoğlu


21.11.2022 ANKARA

Kayseri Chamber of Industry Chairman Mehmet Büyüksimitci, Kayseri Chamber of Commerce Chairman Ömer Gülsoy, Kayseri Commodity Exchange Chairman Recep Bağlamış, Develi Chamber of Commerce Chairman Mustafa Maşlak, Bünyan Chamber of Commerce Chairman Naim Yavuz and Yahyalı Chamber of Commerce Council President Adnan Aydın visited the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu at his office with the accompanying delegation.

At the reception, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu wished success for the new term efforts and conveyed his good wishes.

In his statement after the visit, Ömer Gülsoy said: “We completed our elections on October 1. We got all 41 committees. We have held our council members and elections. We came here to visit Mr. President today to show that we are with Mr. President, that we are his supporters, and that we are always at his disposal. He has been a very gracious host. May Allah bless His work and bring about His power. May God grant our president a long and auspicious life. We are always with you. In line with his instructions, we are working hard to contribute to the Turkish economy with the energy and motto he gives. We continue our work by taking power from the energy of our president.”

Mehmet Büyüksimitci, in his statement after the visit, gave the following opinions: “We held the elections in a democratic environment. We finished without any accidents. Of course, we see the best aspects of democracy in chamber elections. We asked for votes from our own opponents, in our own groups. We then elected our councilors, boards of directors and other bodies. I would like to thank my President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and the esteemed TOBB employees who prepared this environment. I would like to express once again that we are always with our Rifat President. He is really doing his best to make us do the right things in our cities with the right guidance and leadership that he has given us during his Presidency for so many years. May Allah be pleased with him. Thank you.”

In his statement after the visit, Recep Bağlamış made the following remarks: “On October 1, there was a democratic election in our Kayseri Commodity Exchange. With the kindness of our members, we came to office again with our 19 council member brothers in 7 professional committees. This is my second term. I hope that in the term of 2022-2026, I will be the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kayseri Commodity Exchange. Today we came to visit President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu. We reported to him that we were reelected. Moreover, in the new term, we want to see our President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu as our leader. We, as Kayseri Commodity Exchange Assembly and Ankara delegates, nominated Mr. Rifat again. We love our leader. Being from Kayseri, we are grateful to him for the values he has added to the business world and to our country during the pandemic. We hope to see our Rifat President as the President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye in the new term. I also want to express our support.”

Mustafa Maşlak, in his statement after the visit, gave the following opinions: “This is my fifth term. May it please Allah, we were elected again. Allah bless our president. He is building schools in our district. Whatever we ask, no matter if we call day or night, he always solves our problems. We hope to support my President this term as well. We will do whatever we can. We want to work with our President for another term. We are pleased with my President, and I hope that Allah will be pleased with him. Our support is always with President Rifat.”

Naim Yavuz, in his statement after the visit, made the following remarks: “During the election process, there was some competition in the first group, but there were not much in the other groups. Through the kindness of our fellow citizens of Bünyan. we had no competitor. We were elected for a sixth term. After today, we stand by and support Mr. President. We are with our president.”

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