Hisarcıklıoğlu calls on the business world for regional partnership


26.12.2022 ANKARA

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, stating that Türkiye should strengthen its position as a regional and global economic power with more trade and investment, said, “Countries in this region want to be more integrated into the global economy and take part in global value chains. With our past experiences, our dynamic structure that adapts quickly and by establishing new partnerships, we can get the biggest share in this process.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu made an assessment about the events of 2022 and the expectations of the business world for 2023.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the global economy, which is expected to recover rapidly after the pandemic is left behind, has started to experience the negative reflections of supply-demand problems in energy and food, increasing inflation, geopolitical tensions and wars this time, and said that the global recession has become widespread and evident in this process.

Hisarcıklıoğlu, pointing out that all these factors, the effects of which are expected to last for a while, have become a pressure factor on next year's economic growth, “The world economy is expected to grow at a lower rate with 3.2 percent in 2022 and 2.7 percent in 2023.The Turkish economy, which has managed to grow uninterruptedly since 2009, when the global financial crisis took place, has managed to differentiate positively first during the pandemic period and now in the global recession environment. 6 percent growth was achieved in 9 months of this year. The high growth performance was also reflected in employment. In the last 2 years, total employment has increased by 4.9 million people.”

Pointing out that the private sector, thanks to its dynamic structure, quickly adapted to the changes in the world after the outbreak, Hisarcıklıoğlu made the following assessment: “The share we have received from global exports has reached historic high levels. Despite the signs and expectations of stagnation in our main export markets, our exports exceeding $250 billion and the record levels reached in production and employment are indicators of our strong performance in the economy.”

- “We must strengthen our position as a global economic power”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, stating that Türkiye is the country that has established the largest industrial production capacity in this region, said, “Therefore, we should expand our axis and strengthen our position as a regional and global economic power with more trade and investment. Countries in this region want to be more integrated into the global economy and take part in global value chains. With our past experiences, our dynamic structure that adapts quickly and by establishing new partnerships, we can get the biggest share in this process.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, who also evaluated the sectors that will come to the fore next year, said, “Two important developments that have started to shape the future are digital and green transformation. Therefore, the IT and energy sectors are expected to come to the fore the most.”

- “There are no empty industrial parcels left in OIZs”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, pointing out that the Turkish economy is expected to exhibit a strong and balanced growth of around 5 percent next year, said, “This will reflect positively on both employment and investments. The positive effects of the economic management's steps to increase financing opportunities and reduce costs are seen.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that as a reflection of the increasing investment appetite in the private sector, there are almost no empty parcels in organized industrial zones (OIZ), and said:

“In many parts of Anatolia, there is a need to produce new land to make industrial investments. Our expectation from the government is to focus on reforms. We are now seeing the positive effects of the steps taken in this direction in the past. As TOBB, many issues that we shared with our government to solve the problems of the producing sectors have been implemented.As a result of the comprehensive studies carried out to improve the business and investment environment coordinated by TOBB under the coordination of the private sector, we have achieved a historic success. We have risen to the best level in our history in the 'Doing Business' Index, which covers 190 countries. We went from 60th to 33rd out of 190 countries. We must maintain this success.”

- “We see the recovery that started in the economy as promising for the future”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, stating that each new calendar year will come with the hope of a new beginning, said: “As the real sector, we see the recovery that started in the economy as we enter a new year as promising for the future. With our population structure, production capacity and central location, we are one of the countries with the highest growth potential. As the private sector, we must continue production, employment, investment and export. We need to focus on opportunities, not risks, and broaden the axis. We must continue to move forward cautiously but decisively. Türkiye is a great country. We have the determination, faith and opportunity to leave behind every adversity that comes our way. The main thing here is that we maintain our unity and solidarity and not forget our brotherhood. We are strong together. In 2023, we wish our real sector to be dominated by hope instead of uncertainty and a fruitful growth process.”

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