28.10.2023 Ankara

The President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB), M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, made a statement on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of our Republic: “The Republic, the form of government dominated by the will of the nation, is the greatest power behind us as we march towards our great and new goals. We are proud of our 100-year-old Republic. We owe gratitude to Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and all his comrades-in-arms and our martyrs.”

Pointing out that the Republic has become stronger and more rooted day by day in the course of a century, Hisarcıklıoğlu included the following opinions in his message:

“The Republic of Türkiye, whose 100th anniversary we celebrate today with great enthusiasm, is the most beautiful partnership of millions of people who have shared destiny in this land. There is no doubt that October 29th, 1923, one of the turning points in the glorious history of our nation, and its anniversaries will forever remain one of our happiest and proudest days.

The proclamation of the Republic of Türkiye means standing tall against the whole world; we are Türkiye. It means the declaration of the rebirth of the Turkish nation from the ashes of the Turkish nation, which struggled with various kinds of poverty, fought with enemies far superior to themselves, but never gave up.

In those days, we were poor, we were tired, we were a nation exhausted by wars. However, our ancestors who founded the National Assembly, who established the Republic, who gifted us this beautiful homeland, never fell into despair. They had nothing in hand. But they had a love for independence and hopes and dreams for the future.

In the second century of our Republic, we will be as brave as our ancestors. We will continue to think big and dream big. We will work, we will make the impossible possible. We will achieve what is said to be unachievable. Giving up has never been in our history.

Today, we will not give up and we will overcome all difficulties together. We will follow the path of those who gifted and entrusted our homeland and Republic to us. We will continue to work with all our strength to leave a more prosperous and strong country to our children.

As the Turkish business world, our determination to do our part and to take our country to the most advanced points will never change.

I commemorate with mercy and gratitude our ancestors, especially Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who gave us this homeland by putting their lives on the line, to whom we owe our existence, those who fought valiantly for the stability and future of our country, and all the sons of the homeland who were veterans and martyrs. May their souls rest in peace.

Happy October 29th Republic Day and 100th anniversary of our Republic!

Long live the Republic.”

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