Adana Chamber of Commerce's new building inaugurated


22.04.2024 Adana

The new service building of Adana Chamber of Commerce was inaugurated with a ceremony attended by M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB).

Speaking at the ceremony, Hisarcıklıoğlu addressed ATO members and said, “Allah has given you everything. There is nothing. Is there a sea? Yes. Is there agriculture? Yes. Industry? Yes. Is there trade? Yes. There is everything. Chambers are the main representatives and centers of our business world. They should become places that add value to their cities, beautify them and produce services. With this new service building, our chamber of commerce will continue to make greater contributions to the development and enrichment of Adana's economy. Today Adana has become a center of trade, industry, agriculture and education.”

Noting that 3 chambers, including Adana Chamber of Commerce, have world-class quality, Hisarcıklıoğlu explained the accredited chamber system.

Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “It is necessary to reach a certain level for the standard of service quality here. Just like in hotels, there are accreditation organizations that measure service quality in our chambers worldwide. These are international organizations. Do you know what the evaluation given by the international independent organization to our 3 chambers in Adana is? 5 stars. This shows that whatever standard the chambers and exchanges in Berlin and London serve their members, these three organizations in Adana, including our Chamber of Commerce, serve at this standard. May they please Allah,” he said.

- ATO President Yücel Bayram

Adana Chamber of Commerce (ATO) President Yücel Bayram, who expressed his wishes for the new service building to be beneficial, said, “ATO, which is a giant plane tree with 130 years of history, has worked with all its strength to strengthen the economy of Adana and our country since its establishment and will continue to work. I would like to express that every step we take is for our traders to develop their trade in a better way. With the strength we have received from the past, our efforts to take the members of our chamber further will continue with more and more every year. Today, we are opening our very modern building that will serve Adana for many years.”

Stating that they are in cooperation with many institutions in order for the chamber members to carry out their work faster, Bayram said that they have established a Chamber of Certified Public Accountants liaison office, KOSGEB liaison office, UK visa office, Schengen visa office, needs map and agricultural support office in the new service building and that they will implement the e-commerce and grant support information office as soon as possible.

After the opening, Hisarcıklıoğlu came together with the Council Members at the Adana Chamber of Commerce Council Meeting. At the meeting, sectoral problems and demands experienced by the members were discussed.

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