Customs Gates must work nonstop



In the Turkish Transportation and Logistics Board meeting in Istanbul, the sector’s troubles were addressed. Railway and highway transporters stated that the current practice hampers the sector due to the work hours of customs gates and overtime pay. The Sector Board petitioned for the 35th clause of the Customs Law to be changed in a manner as to allow customs gates to function 7/24.​

  -Railway Transportation Panel Stating that railways present an important opportunity to lower logistics costs, 65% of which are transportation-related, sector representatives asked that the issue be brought to public attention with training programs in universities. Board members reached an agreement that a panel highlighting the importance of railways should be held. -“Liberalization of railway management will open a way for Turkey” Sector representatives stated that the Railway Draft Law was a matter of discussion in the European progress reports and that liberalization of railway management would open a way for Turkey. Drawing attention to the importance of bringing the draft law into effect as soon as possible, the decision to undertake all necessary initiatives in concert with the Ministry of Transportation was made. -“A unified textbook for occupational proficiency education should be formed” Even though the criteria for highway transportation occupational proficiency education have been set, the rate of success is low due to the middle and high level manager and driver syllabus being spread too widely and due to the fact that each training establishment follows its own program. Sector representatives stated that it is imperative that a unified textbook is formed in order to firmly set these educational programs on common ground.  In this regard, The Turkish Transportation and Logistics Board will visit with the Ministry of Transportation once a preliminary study has been conducted with the aid of advice from universities. -“The Post Draft Law should be brought into effect” On the other hand, the Post Draft Law, viewed to be an important step towards liberalization has strayed too far from its state agreed upon with the sector, sector representatives asked that it be brought into effect as soon as possible with the suggestions of the sector taken into account.

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