Beceri’10 Project UMEM Course Administrations meet at TOBB




Course Administers in charge of regionally implementing Specialized Occupational Education Centers (UMEM) for the Beceri’10 Project, came together TOBB Union Center in Ankara in order to assess the project’s implementations and discuss ways to enhance the performance of the project.​

  The meeting was attended by the Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Prof. Dr. Halis Tunus Ersöz, Ministry of National Education, Male Technical Education President Hüseyin Acır and İŞKUR President Doç. Dr. Kemal Biçerli and Course Administer representatives from 12 provinces and presided by TOBB Secretary-General Mustafa Saraçöz, from the Executive Committee, which holds centralized command of the project.Ministry of National Education, Male Technical Education President Hüseyin Acır stated that the schools were ready in terms of hardware and educators and that the crucial point is to be able to provide education in regards to the wishes and expectations of the employers. Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Prof. Dr. Halis Tunus Ersöz stated that the purpose of the meeting is to exchange suggestions about the implementation of the project and ultimately provide employment in order to solve the problem of unemployment. İŞKUR President Doç. Dr. Kemal Biçerli provided information on the progress of the project and noted that everyone will work with maximum effort in order to succeed. -Assessments of the Regional Course Administrations While the Course Administers from the 12 pilot regions for the project provided account of the problems they encountered, their suggestions for solutions and their opinions, they stated that the biggest problem arises from not being able to find trainees for the courses opened in accordance to the requests of companies. They emphasized the importance representation in this regard. The regional representatives asked for assistance in order to be able to reach the populace who really need employment. During the meeting the lengthiness of some of the courses were touched upon, drawing attention to the fact that, due to the dynamic nature of the business world, the needs for employees need to be met as soon as possible.It was noted that the private sector’s interest in the project has increased day by day and that at the time 177 people have been employed by companies taking part in the project. Drawing attention the importance of pairing before the ends of courses, it was emphasized that the success of Course Administrations directly affects the success of the project as a whole.

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