Petroleum, LPG and chemical sector boards notified of environmental legislation




Turkey Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Board, Turkey Petroleum and Petroleum Products Industrial Board and Turkey Chemicals Board gathered in TOBB Social Facilities to be briefed by the authorities about “Environmentally Tasked and Environment Consultation Firms Legislation” and “e-Environment Permits and Licenses Legislation”. Ministry of Environment and Forestry Inspection Department Head Halil İbrahim Yörübulut and Permit and Inspection Department Head Yalçın Karaca briefed the board members as well as taking questions.​

-“Beware the responsibilities concerning the legislation” Halil İbrahim Yörübulut informed the board members about; the goal and purpose of the legislation; the requirements of acquiring an environmental attendant documentation; responsibilities of environmental attendants; environmental consultation firms and obligations thereof; the application assessment process and successive responsibility during his presentation of the 2872nd Environmental Law and Environmental Attendant and Environmental Consultation Firms Legislation. Yörübulut stated that the failings of the environmental attendants and the environmental consultation firms in adhering to the clauses of the legislation do not vindicate those they render consultation services onto. - e-Environment Permits and Licenses Project Ministry of Environment and Forestry Permit and Inspection Department Head Yalçın Karaca provided information about e-environment permits and licenses project in his presentation. He stated that the project was a software project aimed at providing a solution for any industrial facility that pollutes the environment to apply for Environmental Permit and Licenses online in an easy and rapid manner. Karaca went on to say that the project provides a means to conduct internal assessment and that the processes have sped up with the implementation of the project as well as saving on time and travel time.

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