İlker Dinçer wins first place in TOBB ETU Entrepreneurship Competition




“The Entrepreneurship Competition” held by TOBB ETU among 11th and 12th grade high school students has been concluded. Mersin Science High School 12th grader İlker Dinçer won first place with his “Smart canvas with rain sensor” project.​

  Dinçer was awarded an iPad by TOBB ETU. Second place went to “Luminescent Plants” project by Deniz Gün and Özge Güleryüz from Ankara Hacı Ömer Tarman Anadolu High School with third place going to Onurcan Darıcı from İzmir Atatürk High School with his “Ask away” project. The second and third places were rewarded an iPhone 3GS and an iPod respectively. First place winner Mersin Science High School 12th grade student İlker Dinçer’s “Smart canvas with rain sensor” project was developed in order to avoid losses while drying fruit in rural areas due to sudden downpours. The project works by covering the produce with a canvas as soon as precipitation starts, detected by a sensor. Second place winners’, Ankara Hacı Ömer Tarman Anadolu High School students Deniz Gün and Özge Güleryüz, project “Luminescent Plants” proposes gene transfer from fireflies to trees in order to decrease the amount of illumination needed at night. The project of Onurcan Darıcı from İzmir Atatürk Highschool, “Ask Away” is a website for students preparing for exams wherein they can pose questions and have teachers reply with answers. -High school students will work up a sweat in “TOBBILATLON” TOBB ETU’s “Pre-University Computer Knowledge and Talent Competition – TOBBILATLON” will take place on May 12-13, 2011. A total of 17 high school teams will compete in programming, web design and creation, algorithm design and development and playing on computers (Mount & Blade). The award ceremony will take place on May 13, 2011 in TOBB ETU Blue Amphitheatre at 17:00.

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