TOBB Turkey Defense Industry Board President Yılmaz Küçükseyhan, “Compensation for costs has increased support”




TOBB Turkey Defense Industry Board President Yılmaz Küçükseyhan stated that with the “Citation for Market Research and Market Entry Support” cost compensation support for sector commerce committees put together by exporter unions as well as providing support for the sector committees tasked by promoter organizations for the proliferation of cooperative associations has been achieved.​

  Küçükseyhan, “This way, the Defense Industry Manufacturers Association (SASAD) has become an authority able to enact these stimuli as well as the exporter unions.”  TOBB Turkey Defense Industry Board met under Yılmaz Küçükseyhan’s presidency with the attendance of the Defense Industry Undersecretary Murad Bayar in Ankara. In the meeting the importance of providing advantage to native manufacturers in defense contract tenders, ensured by the 27911th Legislation, dated April 20 2011, “Amendment Notification for the Public Tender General Notification” enabling public administrations to provide up to a 15% price advantage to native manufacturers.   - Undersecretary Murad Bayar’s Defense Industry 2010 Assessment   The Defense Industry Undersecretariat’s (SSM) estimate of native manufacturers’ participation in the defense industry was disclosed by the Undersecretary of the Defense Industry, Murad Bayar. Murad Bayar stated that the goal of increasing native manufacturer participation from 36.7% in 2006 to 50% by the end of 2010 has been surpassed with 52.1% native participation. Expressing his thanks to the industry for this, Murad Bayar also said that this figure was a brute estimate as there was still exported components in these native participations and R&D work  needs to be conducted in order to bolster the ancillary industry. - Exports Increase projection   Stating that the goal of increasing export volume of the sector to 1 billion dollars by the end of 2011 has suffered a setback due to the recent economic crisis, Bayar went on to say that the projections point to an increase in exports as a result of the large contracts signed with Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates.   - The goal is to increase the Turkish Armed Forces’ (TSK) capabilities as well as providing export opportunities   Murad Bayar stated that, with a total of 27 billion dollars worth of investments in 249 projects, “We begun a journey with no way back, it is our fervent hope that these investments bring new capabilities to TSK.” Bayar went on to provide additional information about various projects in various phases of completion, the expenditure and projected income as a result of said expenditures from the implementation of many projects.   - Defense Industry’s 2010 figures announced   According to the data provided by SASAD Secretary General Kaya Yazgan as per the SASAD 2010 yearly survey, the 2010 turnover for the Defense Industry increased by 18% on a dollar basis, from 2.3 billion dollars in 2008 and 2009 to 2.73 billion dollars in 2010.   - 18% increase in turnover, 5% drop in exports   Stating that the increase in turnover was not reflected in the sector’s export figures, Yazgan stated that in 2009, the Turkish defense industry’s exports in 2009, calculated 669.18 million dollars, have decreased by 5% to 634.19 million dollars in 2010. In the SASAD survey this drop was predicted, as well as a recovery in 2011.

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