Turkey’s Ambassador to Afghanistan visits Hisarcıklıoğlu


15.04.2011 Ankara


Turkey’s Ambassador to Afghanistan, H.E. Basat Öztürk visited the President of TOBB, Mr. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu. Chairman of DEİK Turkish-Afghan Business Council, Mr. Cihan Candemir accompanied the Turkish Ambassador​


Mr. Öztürk, who has been Turkey’s Ambassador to Afghanistan since October 2009. H.E. Ambassador made a discussion with President Hisarcıklıoğlu about the political and economic situation of Afghanistan. Mr. Ambassador told Mr. Hisarcıklıoğlu that Turkey and Afghanistan have been friends and brothers for a long time and Afghanistan would be relieved from the hard times in the near future with the help of Turkey. He also stated that there exists many investment opportunities in Afghanistan and Afghan community wants Turkey to be the country to make these investments in their country.

President Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his meeting with the Ambassador, told that Turkish private sector is always ready for giving help to Afghanistan that is a close friend and a brother to Turkey. 

He continued, “We, as TOBB, will do whatever is necessary for the welfare of Afghan citizens. I am certain that with the help of both government and companies, we will make Afghanistan a prosperous country as it was in the old times.” In the meeting,     President of TOBB also got informed about the regional situation and relations of Afghanistan with the neighboring countries.

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