Textile and garment sectors seek joint solutions to problems




TOBB Turkey Textile Industry and Garment and Ready Made Clothes Industry Councils met with TOBB Board Member Mustafa Boydak’s presiding in order to assess the latest sector developments. With the attendance of the sectors’, NGOs’ and public administration institutions’ high level representatives, the meeting in Istanbul sought joint solutions to the sectors’ common problems.​

Turkey Textile Industry Council President Abdulkadir Konukoğlu drew attention to the problems with secondary process products in the ‘Internal Processing Regime’. In the meeting held by the Gaziantep Industry Chamber Customs Undersecretary Ziya Altunyaldız, Foreign Trade Undersecretary Exports Director İbrahim Şenel and relevant public administration institutions worked on the issue in detail. Konukoğlu also emphasized the importance of cotton production and processing. -The importance of acting in unison Turkey Garment and Ready Made Clothes Industry Council President Aynur Bektaş stated that TOBB as an umbrella organization provided the most benefit to the sector. Emphasizing the importance of Laleli, Osmanbey and Merter communities’ contributions, she said that the textile and garment sectors must act in unison. Ministry of Industry and Commerce representatives informed the members about “Industry and Commerce Ministry Textile Monitor Group’s New Strategic Practices”. Fashion Designers Association President Bahar Korçan stated that the textile and garment sectors’ futures would involve the sectors unifying with designers. - Protection Precautions in Exports Views on Protection Precautions in Exports were also voiced during the meeting. Foreign Trade Ministry officials stated that the investigation had started prompted by local producers, with 583 separate hearings on the subject during the investigation while temporary precautions have been taken by the Ministry. - Joint Training Presentation TOBB Economy and Technology University Joint Training and Carrier Coordinator Ziya Sülünbe also presented an informative presentation on the “Joint Training” conducted at TOBB Economy and Technology University for the last six years

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