TOBB in the presence of the Forefather


15.05.2011 Ankara

In honor of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) 66th General Assembly, with TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu leading, TOBB Executive Board, Councils, presidents of chambers and exchanges, delegates, Woman Entrepreneurs Council and Young Entrepreneurs Council members paid their respects to the Forefather in Anıtkabir.

Hisarcıklıoğlu wrote the following in the Anıtkabir Ledger of Honor;

“Grand Atatürk,

As the executives and delegates of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, we come before you prior to our 66th General Assembly.

On behalf of the Turkish business world, we have set making our country one of the foremost civilizations economically as well as socially in the world as our goal.

This great country - with so glorious a past, entrusted unto us as we shall in turn entrust to the generations that follow us- is a trust that we shall render perennial forever. We are all aware of the value of this trust. We have made it our mission to take our country to the forefront of the civilization race, for our people to prosper and grow in happiness.

Great Leader Atatürk,

On behalf of our great community, we present our gratitude and appreciation to all who had part in the founding of this beautiful Republic and we promise to do our utmost in preserving your trust forever as we bow in respect to your august memory.”

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