Yavuz: “We support every step to strengthen our cooperation with the Gulf Region”


25.02.2014 Ankara

Speaking at the DEİK Turkish-Qatari Business Council, TOBB Board and Presidential Council Member Faik Yavuz said, “In line with our strong integration policy with our region as the Turkish business world, we put great emphasis on our relations with the Gulf Region. We support every step to strengthen our cooperation with the Gulf Region.”

Attending the business dinner held in honor of Qatar Economy and Trade Minister Sheikh Ahmed Bin Jassim Bin Mohammed Al Thani by the DEİK-Qatar Business Council in addition to Faik Yavuz were, Treasury Minister Mehmet Şimşek, Turkish-Qatari Business Council President and DEİK Board Member Mithat Yenigün as well as many business people.


Issues touched on during the dinner were work to lift visas, cooperation between Gulf States and removing obstacles to trade as well as the Turkey-Gulf Business Council 2nd Investment and Business Forum to be held in June in Bahrain.

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