5 TIR Full of Aid from TOBB to Students in Palestine


07.12.2010 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) sent 5 TIR full of raw materials to Palestine, which will be tailored as school uniforms for 101.000 Palestinian students at an age of 6 – 11, with a ceremony that Mahmud Abbas, President of Palestinian National Authority, participated in. ​

In his address, TOBB President, M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, told that the Turkish business society and Turkish people will always be side by side by their Palestinian brothers and said: “We will support every attempt that will facilitate peace and stability to Palestine.”

Mr. Hisarcıklıoğlu, said that the aid that will be sent to Gaza Strip and West Bank for 101.000 students’ school uniforms consists of fabric, pad, prime coat, zipper and buttons and will be transferred to the region by the Turkish Red Crescent.

Reminding that TOBB has previously assisted the Jerusalem hospital, Mr. Hisarcıklıoğlu said that aid for the school uniforms of Palestinian students will be handed over by the Turkish Red Crescent to the Palestinian National Authority Ministry of Economy and all permits required from the Israeli authorities have been received.

Since the campaign intends to provide employment for the Palestinians, Mr. Hisarcıklıoğlu mentioned the fact that the raw materials will be tailored as uniforms in Palestine and said: “We have initiated this project to teach how to fish rather than giving the fish.”

As a result, Mr. Hisarcıklıoğlu, said that we expect the Palestinians will have new employment opportunities and the chance to develop their experiences.

-“We Desire for Sustainable Peace”

“We all desire for sustainable peace in the region” said Mr. Hisarcıklıoğlu, and, referring to TOBB’s continuous efforts paid to maintain sustainable peace in Palestine he said that as TOBB we have come to the final stage of our efforts to establish an Organized Industrial Zone in Palestine, which will provide 10.000 Palestinians with new employment.

Thanking the Turkish Red Crescent that will transfer the raw materials to Palestine, Mr. Hisarcıklıoğlu stressed the motto of the Turkish Red Crescent, “You are not alone”, and said that the Turkish Red Crescent is with the ones who suffer in whatever part of the world they might be. Moreover, Mr. Hisarcıklıoğlu told that the Turkish Red Crescent has always assisted TOBB in helping Palestine and underlined the support given by the Turkish Red Crescent in the previous aid campaigns to Palestine.

-President of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmud Abbas: “The aid we receive from the Turkish people is undoubtedly the helping hand from a brother to a brother”

In his address, President of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmud Abbas said: “The aid we receive from the Turkish people is undoubtedly the helping hand from a brother to a brother.” Abbas also said: “We feel like we are at home in Ankara.”

Underlining the fact that Turkish people has always taken the leading role in helping their Palestinian brothers, Mr. Abbas said: “Turkish people have helped the Palestinians even by sacrificing their lives.”

Stressing the fact that all these aid campaigns show the belief of Turkish people in the struggle of Palestine, Mr. Abbas thanked to President Gül, Prime Minister Erdoğan, TOBB and the Turkish Red Crescent saying that “Palestinians will never forget the support given by the Turkish people.”

Mr. Abbas also told that the 5 TIR full of aid are a new helping hand of Turkey, but, there are also other projects such as the Organized Industrial Zone in Jenin that is expected to come into operation as soon as possible.

Mr. Abbas also mentioned another project of water treatment plant in the Gaza Strip, which has been supported by Prime Minister Erdoğan with enthusiasm and vital for the access of Palestinians to clean water. Palestine in general but also the Gaza Strip in particular faces with drought, and the Gaza Strip seriously suffers from the lack of clean water.

Since each and every aid sent by Turkey is for the daily use of Palestinian people, Mr. Abbas mentioned their gratitude for all kind of support extended by Turkey.

-President of the Turkish Red Crescent, Mr. Tekin Küçükali

President of the Turkish Red Crescent Society, Mr. Tekin Küçükali, said that they have taken the responsibility of transferring the 5 TIR full of aid that worth more than 1 million Turkish Liras sent by TOBB to Palestinian students. Mr. Küçükali declaring that the aid will be delivered to Palestine within a week, he also said, TOBB’s help is a perfect match with the needs of Palestinians.

Following the addresses, President of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmud Abbas, shook hands with the drivers that will transport the aid to Palestine.

The 5 TIR full of aid took start from the Swiss Hotel while Mr. Abbas, President of TOBB, Mr. Hisarcıklıoğlu, Vice President of TOBB, Mr. Yavuz, and the President of the Turkish Red Crescent, Mr. Küçükali, waved their hands.

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