Faik Yavuz attended “Turkish Cypriot Economy in Federal Cyprus Project” meeting


11.02.2016 KKTC

TOBB Treasurer Faik Yavuz attended the Turkish Cypriot Economy in Federal Cyprus Project end report launch meeting hosted by the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce (TCCC).

Attending the meeting in addition to TRNC Prime Minister Ömer Kalyoncu were Turkey’s Ambassador to Nicosia Derya Kanbay, TCCC Chair Fikri Toros, TRNC Treaury Minister Birikim Özgür and Turkish Cypriot Economy Committee Chair Özalp Nailer. The meeting, attended by approximately 150 representatives from public and private sector, as well as the Dutch Ambassador.

Present at the Nicosia Economy Forum were TOBB, Union of Hellenic Chambers and TCCC as well as the Greek Cypriot Chamber of Commerce and Industry former Chair and Board Member Mantos Mavromatis and Senior Director Leonidas Pashalides.

During the opening keynotes, Turkish Cypriot Economy in Federal Cyprus Project Director Prof. Dr. Ömer Gökçekuş gave a presentation on the end report followed by a Q&A session.

After the meeting, a luncheon attended by TCCC Chair and Board Members was held in honor of TOBB Treasurer Faik Yavuz.

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