CERN – Turkey University-Industry Cooperation Conference held at TOBB


14.04.2016 Ankara

In partnership with the Turkish Atom Energy Authority and organized by the TOBB-CERN Industry Contact Office, the CERN – Turkey University-Industry Cooperation Conference was held with TOBB hosting the event.

Giving the opening keynote for the conference TOBB Special Undersecretary and TOBB-CERN Industry Contact Office Chief Hakan Kızıltoprak stated that with Turkey entering into a partnership with CERN in the May of 2015, a new era has begun, “With our partnership, Turkish businesspeople and Turkish scientists will have access to positions within CERN. University students and new graduates will be able to apply for internships as well as short and long term research programs. Most importantly, Turkish industrialists and producers will be able to take part in tenders and acquisitions opened by CERN. We know that our industrialists are pushing out the borders of our markets. As a country, we want to increase our advanced technology production and exports. As the president of the Turkish business community, the TOBB President puts great importance on our partnership with CERN and sees it as a great opportunity for our country.”

Kızıltoprak stated that with this endeavor, TOBB CERN Industry Contact Office would bring all public administration, universities and industrialists together, thereby brining to fruition the much sought after high technology production and exports in cooperation with CERN as well as contributing to both Turkey and CERN in terms of human capital and technology.

Following Kızıltoprak, TAEK Research Development Coordination Department Chief İrfan Koca also provided information on the subject.

CERM CMS Experiment Speaker and Chair Tiziano Camporesi reported that in recent years, there have been many successes in the field of accelerator based physics while experimental measurements are more at the forefront recently.

Reporting that there are over 180 institutes and over institutions from over 43 countries at the CMS, Camporesi said, “Turkey will most likely be able to work with and contribute to experiments.”

Camporesi said, “Institutes taking part in CMS from Turkey have been instrumental in recent years, we will keep trusting in them for future projects.”

Information on upgrade and replacement efforts at CERN, projects for university-industry cooperation and tenders which might interest industrialists were discussed during the conference.

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