Turkey-Africa Chamber’s 2011-2012 Action Plan was signed at the African International


16.12.2010 EGYPT

M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of TOBB, remarked rich sources of Africa and stated everybody is responsible for the enrichment of Africa in his speech during the gala dinner organized within the African International Business Cooperation Forum. Additionally, he indicated there are potential cooperation opportunities with Africa in many fields and these should be discovered bodily.

During the meeting with 500 participants, in which Saleh Kamil, the President of Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry , Ahmed Al Wakil, the President of African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Adnan Kassar, the President of the Union of Arab Chambers, businessmen from the African and Arab business world, representatives of international organizations and government authorities attended, Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed to Turkey’s economic growth and relations with Africa, saying that the 40 percent of gold reserves and 90 percent of the precious stones are located in Africa.

The action plan which is prepared for a more active Turkish-African Chamber established between TOBB and the Union of African Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Professions was signed at the forum. Besides, it is expressed to wish to establish concrete cooperation with Africa, take action instantly for the region’s development and work more realistically in great detail for the problem solution.

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