Full support for the new constitution process from TOBB


08.09.2011 Ankara

The TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu reported to the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan that the Turkish business world is in almost full accord in supporting the implementation of a new constitution and that as TOBB, they are ready to provide every assistance required.​

After presenting the check for the donations for the Somalia aid campaign to Prime Minister Erdoğan, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu spoke with reporters outside the Prime Ministry building.

Having presented Prime Minister Erdoğan with the results of their meetings with the directors and presidents of 365 chambers and exchanges during Ramadan, Hisarcıklıoğlu spoke, “We expressed that there is almost full accord in the business world for the implementation of a new constitution in the new term and that we are ready to provide every assistance required of us.

Another important issue is the ongoing EU process, even though we have been mostly assuredly wronged regarding chapters, there is consent that we should not turn away from structural reforms. We have expressed these to the Prime Minister. The new Stimulation Law which will be in effect in the new term must be reviewed. There are problems in every instance were stimulation is provided.

As the Turkish private sector we are having problems with applying for vocational training and the Ability’10 Project while there is need for intermediary personnel and a demand for it. We have expressed that vocational training courses need to be reviewed in the new term.

There are widespread problems with the operation of development agencies. This must also be addressed. We have expressed our views that the rights of everyone, both employer and employee, must be preserved.

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