Terror attacks cannot disturb our unity and solidarity


25.09.2011 Ankara

In his speech regarding the terrorist attack in the Pervari county of Siirt wherein 6 soldiers were martyred and another 11 injured, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “These attacks are the vile and dishonorable hate campaign of those who are offended by the unity and solidarity of the Republic of Turkey, of those who fear people living in peace.”​


In his statement, Hisarcıklıoğlu said;

“We have learned to our great chagrin that the terrorist organization has struck at the Belenoluk Gendarme Outpost in the Pervari county of Siirt with rocket launchers and rifles, martyring 6 soldiers and injuring 11 in the resulting firefight.

The nation’s answer to this heinous, inhuman assault of the terrorist organization, which hopes to bring about its plans by shedding blood, is quite clear: None can disturb our unity and solidarity. No matter what ethnicity we may belong to, the 74 million people living on this soil, sharing a common cultural and historical heritage, ‘We are one’. The only way to solve our problems is by talking, by discussing and with democracy. Those who seek other ways should know this…

On behalf of the Turkish business world, I pray for the grace of Allah upon those who fell in this attack; I present my condolences to the families and loved ones of the martyrs and our glorious nation and wish the injured a speedy recovery.”

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