Hisarcıklıoğlu urges the continuation of structural economic reforms


27.09.2011 Ankara


Speaking at the opening of the TOBB Chambers of Commerce Council Meeting, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, speaking of the problems afflicting the world economy stated that opportunity could be seized from adversity. Saying that precautions against current deficit and fragile structures must be made, Hisarcıklıoğlu urged that precautions to ameliorate the investment environment be followed through.​

The TOBB Chambers of Commerce Meeting took place at the TOBB Union Center in Ankara. Speaking at the meeting attended by the Minister of Customs and Commerce Hayati Yazıcı, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu thanked Minister Yazıcı for his support of the private sector since coming to office.

Stating that the world economy is going through a very difficult time, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “It is evident that the reasons behind the 2008 crisis have not been duly addressed. The credit and liquidity crisis which started in the financial system is turning into a public treasury crisis nation-wide. The Greece issue in the EU still has not been resolved.”

Stating that a lack of leadership in the EU exists, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “The will and conviction to make difficult decisions is nowhere to be seen. Attempts to address problems by stretching them out over time, in addition to not helping, are increasing costs.
At this point, caution is vital. Let us not confuse panic with caution though. We know that as the Turkish private sector that our economic foundations are solid. The public finance’s solid stand and the private sector experience in managing foreign debt are our strengths.

We know best that opportunity can be seized from adversity. We are resolute on proceeding with caution. There can be no better opportunity close the gap with developed countries as this. Therefore we need to grasp this period correctly, make the right decisions and continue the reforms resolutely.”

- “We must develop measures against the current deficit and fragile structures”

Requesting that reforms to better the business and investment environment in order to strengthen the upwards inclination of the economy, Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that procedures that punish employment must be changed. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We must cooperate as the public administration and the private sector to decrease unemployment even further. We must develop measures against the current deficit and fragile structures. An investment encouragement system must be developed and domestic production be encouraged in order to decrease the foreign trade deficit, the greatest cause of the current deficit.”

Requesting legislative changes be brought into effect, especially in the retail sector where an unjust competition for SMEs is rampant, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We must think of measures to decrease logistical costs which would enable the SMEs of Anatolia to export.”

- Customs and Commerce Minister Hayati Yazıcı

In his speech, the Minister of Customs and Commerce, Hayati Yazıcı stated that they would establish a Customs and Commerce Council, “Our secondary regulation work is almost complete. The sectors which take part in exportation will have a chance to be represented in this council.”

Minister Yazıcı expressed the importance he places on these meetings as they are the most effective method of addressing issues and that they have a participatory component.

Stating that Turkey continues to grow and that the main factors behind that growth are trust and consistency, Yazıcı emphasized that economic growth means an increase in the capacity to compete. Minister Yazıcı noted that the business world and the government were working in perfect unison to this end. Touching on the global economic crisis as well, Yazıcı stated that Turkey is prepared for any eventuality.


- The New Commercial Law will be in effect in July

Drawing attention to the new Commercial Law which will be going into effect in July of the next year, Minister Yazıcı stated that many new regulations for all involved in trade will be occurring. Saying that many areas will have new regulations, like the establishment and monitoring of firms, Yazıcı reported that over 20 secondary regulation processes were nearing completion by expert teams.
Stating that a Customs and Commerce Council will be established, Yazıcı said, “The Council has been given a place in the Customs and Commerce Ministry’s organizational law. The secondary regulation work for the structure of the council are ongoing.

Sectors involved in customs and commerce will have a chance to find representation in the council. Our work will soon be complete.”

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